Bill Brockett
As a stock photographer, owner Bill Brockett developed an extensive collection of outdoor photographs from all over the western U.S. and New England. His articles and images have appeared on numerous magazine covers and in over fifty publications including USA Today, The New York Times, Country Inns Bed & Breakfast, Outside, Sun Valley Magazine, Northwest Travel, and Rescue Magazine.
In 1999 Bill started foto-grafics.com in Kalispell, Montana, offering custom designed websites and outstanding organic search engine optimization to clients from the U.S., Canada and Great Britain. In 2010 Bill moved to western Washington and began Web-Sites-For-Less.com, providing outstanding websites and related services to small businesses worldwide.
“We take great care of our clients!”…

Blair Sutherland
With more than 20 years experience in the multimedia production world, Blair Sutherland is a key member of our development team. Blair has worked with companies like Disney, NBC, Fox and ESPN in producing music and multimedia content.
In 1996 Blair founded a multimedia post-production company specializing in 3D animation, music, motion graphics and video editing where he worked as chief recording engineer and president of the company. Blair has been developing websites for internet marketers for the last several years.
“I’m happy to be part of the team!”…